Live and live in Lahnau
Efficient local public transport plays a major role for us and is an important location factor for Lahnau.
The further development of line 24 must provide a real alternative to owning a car in the coming years. We are critical of the economic operation of this line and are striving for a change that will benefit commuters and all citizens.
The Bürgermobil Lahnau association also provides an important voluntary service for the mobility of older citizens, which we are committed to promoting.
In addition, we support the moderate development of new building land in order to create living space, especially for young Lahnau families. Building sites must remain affordable. A residential development between Waldgirmes and Dorlar must be prepared by purchasing land.
Internal development must finally be regulated by statutes or development plans in order to enable development that is adapted to the village structure. We have to use the available space sparingly. We are also committed to maintaining and investing in our indoor swimming pool. The use of funding opportunities is of considerable importance here.
Thanks to us, road expansion contributions are a thing of the past.
We are committed to expanding the digital infrastructure.